In the name of the OSGeo community we thank all sponsors for their generous support! Without your sponsorship this conference would not be possible.
Whether you are a FOSS4G participant or just browsing this site due to an interest in Open Source geospatial, please follow the links to the web sites of our sponsors and check out what they have to offer. Our sponsors are the best proof for the viability of Open Source - without which they would not be in business. This also and especially applies for the really big businesses...
Institutional Partner
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Professional Open Source
OSGeo Live is the premium collection of ready to use Commercial-off-the-Shelf Open Source geospatial software. FOSS4G is proud to run workshops on OSGeo Live and recommends using it for training, education, research and ad-hoc geospatial infrastructures. OSGeo Live is maintained by several hundred individuals and supported by businesses throughout the world.
Sponsor Packages
Please note that if you are a sponsor you can additionally book Exhibition space.
Sponsorship Levels Platinum
(open to negotiation)Gold
(open to negotiation)Silver
7,500 €Bronze
3,750 €Supporter
1,500Conference Contents Sponsored talk in main track x Sponsored Workshop x Conference Passes 6 4 2 1 1 B2B Conference free free free free free Marketing Logo in Venue x x x x x Add marketing items to conference bag x x Logo on main web page x x x x Logo on sponsor page x x x x x Logo in official emails x x Twitter Messages x x x x x Other Conference materials Discuss Discuss Discuss Discuss Discuss We are open to your ideas for sponsoring any of the following items:
- Ice Breaker
- Coffee breaks
- Gala event
- ...
See more Infos for Sponsors and Exhibition here or contact sponsor@foss4g2016.org
Sponsorship Levels
open to negotiation
- Sponsored talk in main track
- Sponsored Workshop
- 10 Conference Passes
- B2B Conference free
- Logo in Venue
- Add marketing items to conference bag
- Logo on main web page
- Logo on sponsor page
- Logo in official emails
- Twitter Messages
30,000 €
- Sponsored talk in main track
- Sponsored Workshop
- 6 Conference Passes
- B2B Conference free
- Logo in Venue
- Add marketing items to conference bag
- Logo on main web page
- Logo on sponsor page
- Logo in official emails
- Twitter Messages
15,000 €
- 4 Conference Passes
- B2B Conference free
- Logo in Venue
- Add marketing items to conference bag
- Logo on main web page
- Logo on sponsor page
- Logo in official emails
- Twitter Messages
7,500 €
- 2 Conference Passes
- B2B Conference free
- Logo in Venue
- Logo on main web page
- Logo on sponsor page
- Twitter Messages
3,750 €
- 1 Conference Pass
- B2B Conference free
- Logo in Venue
- Logo on main web page
- Logo on sponsor page
- Twitter Messages
1,500 €
- 1 Conference Passe
- B2B Conference free
- Logo in Venue
- Logo on sponsor page
- Twitter Messages
We are open to your ideas for sponsoring any of the following items:
- Ice Breaker
- Coffee breaks
- Gala event
- ...
Given the layout of the exhibition area we have decided to open the usual booth structure up into a more appealing form where visitors can meander through the hall from island to island making the experience more lively and interactive. The Open Source (Cathedral vs.) Bazaar finally visualised, FOSS4G shapes its own map footprint!
Every sponsor from bronze upwards is invited to use one assigned bar stool and table to exhibit their products and services or just to come into contact with people in the exhibition zone. Every exhibit island is equipped with electric sockets, catering included. In contrast to other FOSS4Gs exhibition space IS NOT included in the sponsorship packages listed above. There will be a separate charge! The amount will be announced here soon.
Given the layout of the exhibition area we have decided to open the usual booth structure up into a more appealing form where visitors can meander through the hall from island to island making the experience more lively and interactive. The Open Source (Cathedral vs.) Bazaar finally visualised, FOSS4G shapes its own map footprint!
Every sponsor is invited to also book exhibition space. Every island is equipped with bar stool, table, electric sockets, plus catering is included. Please note that exhibition space IS NOT included in the sponsorship packages and has to be booked separately.
There is a choice of two island sizes:
size costs 1 x 1 m 500€ 2 x 2 m 1500€ There is free WiFi throughout the venue but if you need larger and maybe more reliable bandwidth you can book a LAN connection at an extra 150.00€.
For more information of the exhibition space download the plan.
For more information on sponsoring and the exhibition download the prospectus or contact sponsor@foss4g2016.org
Letter from the chair
Dear prospective sponsors and exhibitors,
I was just thinking that having an open letter for potential attendees, sponsors and people otherwise interested in FOSS4G might be great - and here it is!
Some of you know and some don't, that FOSS4G is OSGeo's annual global event focused on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial. I label it "event" because a FOSS4G is far more than just a conference. A FOSS4G includes talks, code sprints, bird-of-a-feather sessions, workshops, social events and lots of other attractive smaller and larger happenings.
In 2016, the annual FOSS4G conference will take place in the former capital of Germany, in Bonn. In order to give this global event, with an expected attendance of 1000, a worthy setting we've chosen the former plenary chamber and building of the German government, now known as the World Conference Center Bonn as our conference and exhibition venue.
Bonn today is a modern, young, open-minded and vivid city. It is place of it is home to many UN chapters and therefore often called the "UN-City". Bonn is also hosting many GIS-service providers and is the origin of two OSGeo projects, so one might call Bonn Germany's “Geospatial-Capital".
Inspired by this international context, and by the location of Bonn on the shores of the river Rhine, we have choosen “Building Bridges” as the main theme for this year's conference. “Building bridges” to cultures from all around the globe, where open source software for geospatial is used. Building bridges to other open source software and open data communities. Building bridges to professionals and newbies. Building bridges to students, developers, decision makers and commercial software service providers. But above all building bridges to connect people.
It is therefore that we regard the conference attendees not just as visitors but as participants.
We think the FOSS4G conference objectives as stated above provide a perfect opportunity to build bridges to and from your company as well. No matter whether you're representing a large, global-acting company our your comapy is a small more regional based one, FOSS4G 2016 is a great opportunity to learn about new technologies and applications. But also a showcase for your companies skills and knowledge to the world. An environment to meet existing and new business partners . A platform to meet known and yet unknown customers. An opportunity to attract the next generation of open source software developers.
In this brochure we present you an attractive choice of opportunities to join FOSS4G 2016, either as a sponsor and/or by marking your place in the exhibition hall. We invite you to take notice of these opportinities.
We hope that you will support us, and join us in building bridges at FOSS4G 2016 in BonnYours, Till Adams